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What You Need To Know About

Pests In McDonough

Are unwanted pests regularly finding their way into your home or business? If your answer is yes, use this pest guide to learn about the most common pests in our region. The more you know about pests, including why they are attracted to our properties, the easier it will be to keep them away.

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Ant Control

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What You Need To Know About

Pests In McDonough

Are unwanted pests regularly finding their way into your home or business? If your answer is yes, use this pest guide to learn about the most common pests in our region. The more you know about pests, including why they are attracted to our properties, the easier it will be to keep them away.

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McDonough is home to many different varieties of ants, including:

Ants are social insects that live and work together in large colonies. They live all around us and regularly find their way to our yards and homes. Our indoor and outdoor spaces offer ants nesting sites and easy access to food and water sources. Once ants become comfortable on a property, they are hard to eliminate.

Most ants are considered nuisance pests, but a few pose significant dangers. Fire ants deliver painful venom-filled stings, carpenter ants cause structural damage, and Argentine and pharaoh ants carry and spread dangerous human pathogens. Despite being common household pests, ants are not the kind of pest you should underestimate or ignore; at first notice of them on your property, reach out for help.

Preventing ants is difficult because of their small size, excellent sense of smell, and ability to work together as a team. Implementing a professional commercial or residential pest control treatment plan that offers year-round visits is the best way to avoid issues with ants. In addition, doing things like eliminating excess moisture in and around your home, keeping lids on trashcans, and maintaining a clean kitchen can help avoid problems with ants.


Several types of cockroaches live with or near people in Georgia. In general, we can identify cockroaches by their flat oval body, long antennae, and six spine-covered legs. Most cockroaches are winged, but only a few use them; most cockroaches use their legs to move from place to place. 

If cockroaches have found their way to your home, it is likely one of the following species: American, Asian, brown-banded, German, oriental, or smokybrown.  Cockroaches are insects that have survived by being able to live almost anywhere and making the most of crumbs and other small amounts of food. Cockroaches are difficult to prevent because they can enter our homes multiple ways, through large or small openings they come across or by hitchhiking. 

A cockroach infestation can happen in any McDonough home. Use these simple tips to help avoid issues with cockroaches in your home:

For the most effective cockroach control options, reach out today. 


Mosquitoes are common outdoor pests. They are small flies whose females bite people and animals to feed on their blood. The females require blood meals to create viable eggs and complete their lifecycle. The relentless bites from mosquitoes leave behind red, itchy welts, and as they feed on different hosts, mosquitoes spread many diseases, including West Nile virus. 

Mosquitoes are pests primarily associated with the summer season because they are only active in temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In Georgia, our warm climate means mosquitoes are active for longer periods than in cooler climates. In addition to warm temperatures, mosquitoes thrive wherever there are areas of pooling or standing water. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on top of standing water, where they develop into larvae and then into new biting adults.

Mosquitoes are outdoor pests that can’t be avoided entirely. But there are things you can do around your property to make it less attractive to them. Remove as much standing water as possible that provides female mosquitoes with breeding sites. Maintain your yard to reduce resting spots; keep the grass cut short, prune back trees, and remove yard debris that collects rainwater. For effective mosquito control in McDonough, please call us today. 


Rodents make up the largest group of mammals and all rodents have continuously growing front incisors. The most common rodents to be a problem where people live are the house mouse, field mouse, Norway rat, and roof rat. Rodents are most problematic when they decide to use our homes to hide from unsuitable weather or predators or as foraging grounds. 

Rats and mice are commensal rodents and want to “share our table.” These rodents are comfortable taking advantage of the food, water, and nesting sites our properties offer. While we may provide rodents with many benefits, their presence doesn’t benefit us. Rodent infestation leads to the spread of disease and parasites, structural damage, fires, and food contamination. 

Use the following rodent prevention tips to keep these pests away:

At any notice of rodents or rodent activity on your property, immediately contact DAPS Services for help. 


Spiders are arachnids we identify by their grasping or crushing mouthparts, two body segments, and eight legs. Many different types of spiders live worldwide; most spiders in our region, like the cellar, grass, and wolf spiders, are harmless. While all spiders possess venom to paralyze their insect prey, only a few have venom potent enough to harm people. Dangerous spiders in our region include the brown recluse and black widow spiders. 

When controlling spiders, it is essential to understand what they eat. Spiders are predators and feed on insects and other arachnids. The main reason spiders become a problem in our yards and homes is because insects attract them. Our gardens, trees, kitchens, and basements can all house and provide spiders with plentiful prey to hunt.

The best way to control spiders is to prevent insects from becoming comfortable in your indoor or outdoor spaces. Take advantage of the following prevention tips:

Call today for more information about residential or commercial pest control in McDonough.


One of the most widespread types of termites in Georgia and across the country is the Eastern subterranean termite. These termites have high moisture needs and thrive in our region’s warm, humid climate. In nature, termites feed on cellulose in wood, trees, plants, and other organic materials. 

Eastern subterranean termites prefer to feed on wet or decaying wood and, in nature, act as natural recyclers. Inside our homes, termites are destructive, unwelcome pests because they feed on and damage structural wood, flooring, drywall, furniture, and more. Though the damage that termites cause doesn’t happen overnight, left unchecked, a termite infestation eventually causes expensive damage. As a group, termites cause more than five billion dollars in the United States Each year.

To avoid issues with termites in McDonough, utilize the following tips:

For year-round effective termite control and prevention, partner with DAPS Services.

Reasons To Choose DAPS Services

Our Guaranteed Service

We offer 100% guaranteed service for our pest control. If an issue comes up after our service, we’ll return to re-treat your property for free.

Our Prevention-Focused Approach

By focusing on pest prevention, we can eliminate your active pest problems while providing the service you need to keep pests away.

Our Honesty And Integrity

You don’t want a company working for you that you can’t trust. At DAPS Services, we value working with honesty, integrity, and respect.

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DAPS Services is proud to serve McDonough, Georgia and other surrounding areas


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